Since a few days ago, the voice recognition tools used in Google Now are available via Google Search.
This is pretty epic - especially when considering the good old classroom staple, spelling.
So now if you’re in need of the correct spelling of a word, you can go to your Google Search page, hit the microphone button lurking to the far right of the search box, and say:
“How do you spell extremely”
A voice then proceeds to spell out the word for you. It’s also spelled out as the top card-like result, and includes a definition.
To make it even handier, here’s a link to a Chrome extension called NowVoiceSearch which puts a direct link button to voice search right next to your omnibox. I’ll be pushing this out as an auto-install for our Chromebook users on Monday.
This is pretty cool. It addresses the age-old problem of the dictionary: A) It takes ages and B) How the heck can you look-up a word if you don’t know how to spell it?
Can’t wait to introduce this to the kids tomorrow.
P.S: I pretty sure no technology alive can accurately recognise the Kiwi accent, so fellow NZers, expect delays when asking to spell pen. No, it’s not pin. No it’s not pan. Don't even attempt the word six, you'll probably get more than you bargained for.
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